I have been questioned before about why I work so hard and pull all nighters to get stuff "just right". My motto is:
If it is worth doing, then it is worth overdoing.
So why do I have such I high standard???? Read the following e-mail I got from a friend and you will understand.
Hey! I just wanted to let you and all the "Get Reel" cast know of a testimony I heard about last night.... My brother n law brought his brother n law to Get Reel and it has completely changed his life! Long story short him and his girlfriend/wife are very recently separated. He has been coming to church and has recently visited with Jack [Jack is a staff member at our church] (and he was saved yesterday). We were talking to him last night and he was so excited about being saved and shared with me and Joey what "Get Reel" meant to him. He said when he was listening to the testimony that he was so touched that he just had a whole new outlook on life and it was life-changing for him. I know we are sometimes uncertain if what happened really impacted lives or not, well here's another one to add to the list!! You followed God's calling and this life was changed forever!! Thanks for all you do :)
So now you can see that we can never let good enough be good enough. Someones life may be counting on us to go the extra mile. This is where I belong...and this is why I do what I do.
This is wonderful. It is very special when you can use your talents to truly make a difference. I am sure there are other "Joey's" that also were touched and changed by Get Reel- you may never know or hear from all of them, but even for one person-that makes the difference and makes all the hard work, worthwhile.